What Are The True Costs Of Listing Your House

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Listing your North Carolina house can be stressful and not to mention time-consuming.

We all dread the hassle of selling a home.

There are lots of issues that you have to sort out even before listing your house such as conducting repairs, cleaning, improving your curb appeal and finding a reputable agent, however, that is just the tip of the iceberg.

When listing their homes, most people tend to overlook the true costs of this process.

If you are considering listing your home, you ought to know what you are in for.

House sellers are often caught off-guard by how much they end up spending when they list their homes.

It can be frustrating to find out that you spent far much more than you initially budgeted for and end up not getting the market value of your house.

What you have to keep in mind is the fact that there are costs you have to settle for all stages of listing your property.

There are costs you have to incur before listing your home, costs incurred when you list your home and costs incurred when you accept an offer.

On our latest article, we look at the costs you need to prepare for when you are listing your house.

Upfront Costs

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These are costs you’ll incur before listing your home.

It goes without saying that your house needs to be in the best condition it can be, aesthetically and structurally, in order to attract potential buyers and a good price.

You have to ensure that the house is cleaned, parts that are broken need to be fixed or replaced, walls have to be repainted, you need to check your plumbing system, leaking and damaged roofs need to be repaired and other types of repairs.

In a bid to enhance the value of your property, you might also make some upgrades such as the installation of new fixtures and room conversions.

Your front yard and back yard are amongst the first things that buyers will see when they visit your property.

You have to perform some landscaping to improve your curb appeal.

All these tasks can leave a wallet dented, but they are essential if you are to be successful at selling your home through listings.

However, when you choose us, Mrs. Property Solutions We Buy Houses North Carolina, you don’t have to worry about any repair costs since we’ll buy your home in any condition and at a fair price.

Costs Incurred While Your House Is Listed

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An important factor you need to keep in mind is that you’ll still have expenses even after getting your house on the market.

You need to ensure that the house is regularly cleaned and you have to settle all the monthly utility bills such as electricity and water.

This is because the house can stay on the market for months and you need to always keep it ready since a buyer can pop up at any time.

Let’s not forget that there are the homeowner’s insurance and property taxes you have to handle.

When you sell your house fast to we buy houses North Carolina company such as us, you won’t have to incur all these costs and fees which can drain your finances.

Costs Incurred When You Accept An Offer

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After a long struggle and heavy spending, you’ve finally found a buyer offering the right price.

You are now relaxed and tell yourself that this is it, your troubles are finally gone.

This can’t be further from the truth. Remember that you used an agent for your house listing.

On average, a real estate agent’s commission is usually 6% of the amount you sell your home for.

This definitely means that you don’t get the full value of your home from the sale.

In addition, you have to settle document filing costs, property taxes, title search fees, taxes transfer fees and other closing costs that can sum up to over 2% of your house sale price.

If you are planning on selling your house, you really have to consider if hiring an agent and listing your house is the most financially viable option for you.

If you want to sell your house without having to settle all the costs involved in the traditional method of selling a house, then contact us at Savannah Properties We Buy Houses North Carolina, for a direct and cost-free sale of your house.